Thursday, June 25, 2009

The IE Input Image Catch

While working hard at my work (which is why this post is short), I was creating a site that used image inputs. All was well and good when running it in FireFox, but in Internet Explorer, it was a different story.

Checking for the input name in the POST variable when using an image type, the PHP looking for the name could not find that input object.

Internet Explorer as well as some other browsers, pass the x and y of the image you used for submitting your form instead of the input name. To detect these with PHP, you can check for

isset($_POST['image_x']) || isset($_POST['image'])

if either is true, you can continue to process. You may also note that the browser has converted what would have been image.x into image_x. The period character is swapped out.

Now you should be able to have your input be detected in all major browsers.

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